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PARENTAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT: Lesson on critical thinking skills


If politicians introduced a bill mandating the slaughter of all human babies under the age of two years, but called it, “The Little Babies Protection Act,” establishment conservatives and unthinking people all over the country would be clamoring for its passage.

We have become a shallow and easily deceived people.

We don’t trouble ourselves to actually read proposals and analyze them before we clamor for passage.

The name, “Parental Rights Amendment” (aka PRA), was introduced back in 2013 but still serves today as a great example of deception.

It sounds so good, but it actually strips parents of their God-delegated authority over their children, and transfers that authority to the federal government.

I will tell you how they did it in Part II & III, but first... let’s get basic!

Where in the Constitution did WE THE PEOPLE delegate to the federal government power over children and their care and upbringing?

We didn’t.

Accordingly, it has no lawful authority over these objects without an amendment.

Thus, any federal law, treaty, executive order, agency rule, or court opinion which pretends to exercise such power over children is unconstitutional as outside the scope of enumerated powers delegated to the federal government for the Country at Large.

See? This is all very simple.

So then, how does the federal government go about obtaining lawful authority over the care and upbringing of children?

They do it by getting the subject into an amendment; then using lies, trickery and deceit to make it sound good.

Part II will address certain specifics.

Part III will address how the courts enter into the picture.

But, if we all understand that the federal government has no authority to even address the subject of parental rights, we will not swallow this rest of it.

Ellis County Press

208 S Central St. 
Ferris, TX 75125