OUT TO PASTOR: It’s all over but the lying
The one thing I don’t like is when somebody deliberately lies to me. Trust me; this has happened quite a few times in my life.
The one thing I don’t like is when somebody deliberately lies to me. Trust me; this has happened quite a few times in my life.
Good week to all. Welcome to the “front porch.”
Aren’t you glad it’s Thanksgiving! I thought it’d never come. You understand.
It seems that every week of mine is “one of those weeks.” Just when I think everything was looking fine, I discovered I was looking in the wrong direction. I should know better than thinking.
Good week to all. Welcome to the “front porch.”
An open letter to three girls – and one more.
Dear Lauren, Brit, and Andrea,
As far back as I can remember, every time I would leave the house, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage would say, “Be careful. Drive safely.”
208 S Central St.
Ferris, TX 75125