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  • Duke, the Patriotic Dog, came to live in Ovilla after he “found” Rick Crawford in August of 2011 in the Wilmer river bottom area.
    Duke, the Patriotic Dog, came to live in Ovilla after he “found” Rick Crawford in August of 2011 in the Wilmer river bottom area.

Ovilla’s Patriotic Dog blesses America

OVILLA – Ovilla resident Rick Crawford, who has lived there since 2000 by way of Florida and Grand Prairie, has one patriotic dog.

Duke, the Patriotic Dog, came to live in Ovilla after he “found” Crawford in August of 2011 in the Wilmer river bottom area.

“I was helping a friend move machinery and this friendly Beagle mix came to me and followed me around for several hours,” Crawford said.

“My friend told me he was a stray and had been seen around the area for a couple weeks. I decided if he was still hanging around in a few days he’d get a new address. 

Not sure who rescued who, but he was still there and came home with me.”

Crawford took him to the veterinarian and was told he was about two years old at that time.

Now 15 years later, Duke’s personality has turned into one of strong patriotism.

Crawford said he has supported the Red Oak Masonic Lodge flag fund raiser since it started about 10 years ago.

He said Duke also supports the patriotic flag program.

“They put an American flag in your yard for about a week on flag holidays,” Crawford said. 

“About six or seven years ago I noticed when Duke came out with me to check the mail or put the trash out, he would detour to the yard and just watch that flag, and he does it frequently.”

Crawford said he also has noticed Duke only seems to care about the American flag put in his yard by the lodge and doesn’t give a rip about the flag on our house or the Texas flag on the barn. Just the one in the yard.”

In fact, Duke even has a chair by a window in the front of the Crawford house and he spends his leisure time there on flag watch.

His next big day for flag watch duty; next week July 4!

“I have no idea what it is about the Lodge flag that holds his attention,” Crawford concluded. 

“As far as I’m concerned he’s just a great American! I named him Duke after a great American. Maybe he knows that. 

“Whatever it is that trips his trigger, I think it’s pretty cool.”

Ellis County Press

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