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ROISD looking for more money

May bond election set for Phase 2 growth

RED OAK – The Red Oak ISD School Board approved the administrative recommendation for phase 2 of the long-term facility plan to call for a $213.9 million bond election for May 3, 2025.

The school board approved the bond election on Jan. 27.

Red Oak ISD stated in a press release, “The approval of all propositions will not impact the current Red Oak ISD tax rate.”

There will be three separate propositions on the ballot in May and each of the props will be approved or not approved individually.


PROP A – $155.2M

High School: New Career & Technical Education Building – $79.1M expanded square footage to 90,000 to include all CTE courses from MS, TSTC, and HS, plus space for growth and added kitchen learning space for future culinary arts

Added kitchen and cafeteria to ease lunch overcrowding at current HS.

Includes additional parking, HS practice gym addition and HS renovations (floors, gym seating) – $17.3M.

New Elementary School – $56.6m: ROISD owns the property of the proposed elementary site on Harmony Way (off Uhl Rd., north of Ovilla Rd.). ADA compliant playgrounds (all 5 elementary schools) – $2.2M.


PROP B – $11.9M

High School Athletic Improvements: New subvarsity athletic facility – 8-lane track, turf field, restrooms/concessions, small bleachers, parking, fencing, retention pond. Baseball/softball artificial turf at existing fields. 


PROP C – $46.8M

Goodloe Stadium: New restrooms, locker rooms, and concessions. Additional parking and driveway loop Seating overhaul on both sides with added capacity. LED field lighting


The release also stated, “The bond will address capacity issues and future growth at the high school and elementary levels, as well as address the need for student opportunity space and renovations to aging facilities.”

Phase 1 of this growth was the passing of a new middle school to address the overcrowding at the current middle school. 

Phase 2 is hoped by Red Oak ISD to be realized in May’s election, and Phase 3 will include non-student space including the transportation facility.

“Red Oak ISD has passed two bonds in 20 years. 

In 2007, a $97 million bond was passed for the construction of Red Oak High School and Shields Elementary School. 

The second passed in 2023 for the middle school currently being built,” according to the the press release.

Ellis County Press

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