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Sheriff issues ‘Scam Alert’

ELLIS COUNTY – Last week, the Ellis County Sheriff’s Office was alerted by a local law enforcement agency that a group of scammers were targeting citizens in Ellis County.

There are several variations of the scam that “made their rounds through Ellis County,” according to an ECSO press release.

“We are trying to get the word out as early as we can.”

According to the department, the scam involves individuals presenting themselves as an Ellis County Sheriff’s Office Deputy (or other law enforcement officer), who contacts the victim by phone and tells them they missed an appearance for jury duty. 

The press release stated the scammer also has personal information such as the victim’s home address and other details.

“Often, these suspects will spoof the number they are calling from so the caller ID displays as the Ellis County Sheriff’s Office or another law enforcement entity they are purporting to be from,” the press release stated. 

“In many cases, they will identify themselves by the names of some of our current or former deputies to add legitimacy to their claims.”

“The scammer will then tell the victim the judge has issued a bench warrant in the case and that if they don’t post a bond immediately, they will be arrested. 

“They pressure the victim to remain on the phone by warning if they hang up, attempt to put them on hold, talk to anyone else, access their computer, etc., they will be found in contempt of court and subject to immediate arrest.

“The victim is then instructed to withdraw as much money as they can talk the victim out of, drive to one of many Bitcoin machines located at merchants around Ellis County, and deposit the funds to post the bond,” the press released explained.

The Ellis County Sheriff’s Department reminds citizens no one from that department will ever attempt to secure payment for a fine or bond over the phone by depositing money into a Bitcoin machine or by purchasing gift cards or other financial mediums. 

While it is not uncommon for the deputies of the Ellis County Sheriff’s Office to conduct business over the phone, the department stressed if a person is ever in doubt of who is on the other end of the phone, ask that law enforcement officer to meet you in person at the sheriff’s office or your residence. 

“A legitimate law enforcement officer will be happy to meet you in person,” the press release stated.

The department is also encouraging everyone to share this information with their loved ones, friends and colleagues.

This is important because there have been reports from people who have been victimized by this group from all walks of life and all age groups. 

“The one thing they all have in common is they are law-abiding citizens and think they made a mistake.

“Once they realize they have been scammed, they are too embarrassed to discuss it with their families and friends. 

“The only way we can keep this from continuing is by getting the word out to everyone that we can, so they recognize it’s a scam when it’s happening, and they can hang up the phone,” the Ellis County Sheriff’s Department concluded.

Ellis County Press

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