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FERRIS – PROP ‘A’ ON MAY’S BALLOT: Tax increase sought by ESD No. 5

ESD 5 wants to raise taxes from .03 to .10/$100

FERRIS – When the May 1 election day rolls around this year, there will be two propositions on the ballot that Ferris/ESD No. 5 residents might want to know about.

This week we will be talking about Prop A, which on the ballot reads, “authorizing an increase in the maximum ad valorem tax rate that Ellis County Emergency Services District No. 5 may impose on property within the District to a rate not to exceed $0.10 per $100 valuation.”

According to Ferris City Manager Brooks Williams, that amount doesn’t work out well for the 1,800 homes paying both Ferris taxes – and ESD 5 taxes.

“There are approximately 1,800 properties in the city limits that are included in the ESD,” said Williams. 

“There are 3,100 properties in the county that are the ESD. This will require tax payers in the city to pay $.10/$100 of valuation, up from $.03/$100 valuation.

“Citizens within the city limits will be paying more in taxes, while already having a professional fire fighting service available to them. 

“While this may be able to produce more revenue for the ESD, our citizens are certainly wondering why they need to pay more.” 

ESD 5 Commissioner Dallas Dial, who is in his fifth year on the board, said ESD 5 roughly gets $150,000, and about 55-percent goes to the City of Ferris General Fund. 

“The remainder of the money goes to CareFlite for about $22,000 – and otherwise maintenance, insurance, bonds and continuing education. 

“ESD also has a fire chief who is a volunteer. That fire chief has a 2017 truck for use when needed for ESD business – the truck has already been purchased and will not be included in a future budget,” according to Dial.

“This increase is not for us,” said Dial. “But for all of us, this tax increase is for the residents of District 5 in the city and in the district – given to us and spent on you guys.”

Dial said there had not been an increase since ESD 5 was formed 25 years ago.

There was a new contract negotiated this year between the City of Ferris and ESD 5, but the election results whether voters decided yes or no will change that contract accordingly.

“Up until four years ago, the City of Ferris relied on ESD exclusively for fire equipment. That is when they decided to move away from ESD. Until then, ESD exclusively provided all the equipment, trucks, everything.

One item that Williams said as well, the city does get half of what ESD has coming in right now, but after paying for insurance, fuel and the maintenance of the ESD 5 vehicles, there is little left to pay the City of Ferris fire fighters who take the call when a fire occurs.  

“What money remains is not enough to even pay for one fire fighter. This is not a knock on anyone, but a reality,” Williams said adding that he had asked to see ESD5 financials and where the money was spent, but he did not get all that he requested.

Dial said he had given financials to Williams in the past, but Williams said five years of past bank statements and other expenses will at least allow him to see what is going on.

“We understand fire protection in the county is of the utmost importance,” Williams added, “but it would still nice to receive this information.”

Williams continued, “For the most part, it is the matter of the 1,800 properties in the city limits that are paying for ESD 5 services, which are really just needed in the county, not the city. When an agreement can be made to remove those who are paying double then there will be a place of negotiation.”

Ferris Mayor Fred Pontley concluded, “If they get the money will they be able to show where it goes? They have failed to do that – for the last six years.”

Ellis County Press

208 S Central St. 
Ferris, TX 75125