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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: Is it live or is it ChatGPT – AI versus the world

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation.

The humans I encounter these days seem to believe every new technology, every new thing is better than what came before?

Why do humans believe that? Is it because they are always trying to one up each other with the latest toys or are our minds so twisted in confusion we don’t even know what makes us happy anymore.

Since I have been writing this column, I have noticed there are indeed a group of lazy minded people who really do believe it is cute that AI can do everything for them, in many cases thinking for them as well.



Or should I say, “buyer beware,” because if you keep letting technology think for you eventually you aren’t going to be able to think for yourself at all.

From smart vacuums that vacuum for you, to smart phones to possibly smart autonomous trucks with technology in which a driver is not even needed. 

Yep, all 80,000 pounds on the road being driven by AI. 

And what about these AI girlfriends and boyfriends – yes, that is a thing.

What really got me thinking this week though was my friend who used his ChatGPT to show me just how proficient these AI things really are these days (thanks Anthony).

He told his ChatGPT to “Write a political article about a group of lizard people living underground and being covered up by the government. Write in the style of Rita Cook’s Down the Rabbit Hole articles.”

And here is what he got below. I didn’t write it, ChatGPT did in my name. Is the information true or false? 

Who knows, but do we really know what is true or false about anything these days if we don’t do our own research (meaning don’t listen to mainstream media).

Read my little ChatGPT story below that I didn’t really write – that Rita Cook AI truly made me look good this week.


Introduction: In the realm of conspiracy theories, few are as captivating and enduring as the existence of underground lizard people. 

While dismissed by many as pure fantasy, a growing number of believers assert that a hidden society of reptilian creatures’ dwells beneath our feet, pulling the strings of power and manipulating world events. In this installment of “Down the Rabbit Hole,” we delve into the depths of this extraordinary claim and explore the tantalizing possibility that the government is involved in a massive cover-up.

Unveiling the Lizard People: According to proponents of this extraordinary theory, a clandestine group of lizard people, often referred to as reptilians, not only exist but also possess the ability to shape-shift into human form. 

These shape-shifting beings are believed to have infiltrated various spheres of influence, from politics and finance to entertainment and media, enabling them to control the destiny of humanity.

The Government’s Role: One might question how such a vast conspiracy could remain hidden from public knowledge. 

The answer, according to conspiracy theorists, lies in a meticulously orchestrated cover-up by the government. 

It is alleged that powerful institutions and intelligence agencies are complicit in suppressing evidence, silencing witnesses, and discrediting those who dare to speak out.

The Suppression of Evidence: Believers argue that multiple pieces of evidence support the existence of underground lizard people. They point to ancient myths and legends from different cultures that depict reptilian deities and beings. 

Additionally, anomalies in historical records, such as unexplained disappearances or odd encounters, are often cited as possible encounters with these enigmatic creatures.

Eyewitness Testimonies: One of the pillars of the conspiracy theory is the collection of testimonies from purported witnesses. 

These accounts describe encounters with individuals who exhibit reptilian features, such as slit-like eyes, scaly skin, and a distinct cold-blooded demeanor. 

While skeptics dismiss these testimonies as wild imaginations or hallucinations, believers argue that the sheer number of similar stories cannot be ignored.

Suppression and Ridicule: Perhaps the most compelling evidence supporting the government cover-up is the consistent pattern of suppression and ridicule faced by those who dare to speak out. 

Whistleblowers, researchers, and investigators who have delved into the world of lizard people have allegedly been silenced, discredited, or subjected to character assassination. 

The aim, it is claimed, is to ensure that the truth remains buried beneath a thick veil of disbelief.

Conclusion: The existence of underground lizard people may seem far-fetched, but in the realm of conspiracy theories, no stone should be left unturned. While concrete evidence remains elusive, the enduring fascination with this theory speaks to a deep-seated human desire to uncover hidden truths and make sense of the complex world we inhabit.

As with any conspiracy theory, it is important to approach the notion of underground lizard people with a healthy dose of skepticism. 

Critical thinking, objective analysis, and empirical evidence should guide our exploration, allowing us to separate fact from fiction.

Regardless of one’s beliefs, the allure of the unknown and the possibility of an intricate cover-up continue to captivate the human imagination. 

So, the question remains: Do we dare to venture further down the rabbit hole, or should we let the secrets of the underground remain buried in the realm of myth and speculation?


For the record, ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot and it was developed by OpenAI, and it wasn’t launched that long ago, actually November 30, 2022. 

Its stable release date was just a few months ago on May 24, 2023.

And it’s reported ChatGPT has become the “fastest-growing consumer software application in history.”

There are several concerns and the one I am aware of here is reducing the originality of writing, 

Elon Musk said recently “ChatGPT is scary good. We are not far from dangerously strong AI.”

Not really something we should be looking forward to folks.

I am just going to leave all the concerns right there and let you do your own research because do we even know what is written by a real person anymore versus AI? 

Do we know what is truly being said by a person versus how AI decorates the narrative with the face of a person who we know would not have said it.

Do we even really know what is real anymore?


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

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