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SPEAKING TRUTH: When the laws of God and man clash

President Abraham Lincoln once said, referring to America in the face of civil war, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

And Aesop, a great thinker and story teller of history, wrote something similar, “United we stand, divided we fall.”

America is facing tremendous division, and the future of our land of liberty is at stake.

What is dividing our nation?

It is a division rooted in fundamental differences of values on very important moral and spiritual issues.

They are hotly debated topics like abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, illegal immigration, climate change, election interference, Covid vaccines and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion).

These issues have been formed into governmental laws and policies that either further promote or restrict them.

And whether someone be known or unknown, if they oppose an agreed upon narrative for these divisive issues, then they could be subject to a form of persecution.

They may have their social media accounts shut down.

Other online companies may end their relationships with them.

Their banks may no longer do business with them.

They may be fired from their job.

They may be subject to state or federal investigations.

They may be sued.

They could be arrested.

They could be jailed.

These are divisive times like we have not seen in generations. 

How shall we live in such polarization?

Does God have anything to say?

The New Testament was written to followers of Christ under attack because of their beliefs and practices, which stood in opposition to various Jewish, Roman and Greek laws and traditions.

The times we live in are unique to us, but not to the annals of world history.

Read what Peter, one of Jesus’ leading Apostles, wrote to Christians who were living under a godless form of government that was persecuting them: “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him… For this is the will of God.” (1 Peter 2:13-15)

Then Peter went on saying: “But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.” (vs. 20)

Peter is saying straightforward that followers of Christ are to live as model citizens by complying with the law, but at the same time he recognizes that occasionally the two conflict. 

Sometimes doing what the Bible says (either directly or in principle) may violate the law.

Then what?

Doing what God’s Word says is the definition of “doing good.”

That can mean sharing the plan of salvation with others, providing material help to those in need, offering godly counsel to the struggling or standing for biblical truth and justice. 

Through Peter, the Lord God tells us to always press forward and do good no matter the situation we face.

Here are three points to keep in mind:

1. We should do good by faith at all times, while entrusting the outcome of our actions to the Sovereign King.

2. We should not let the sin of anger, bitterness or evil speaking be found on our lips toward those who oppose us.

3. We should be willing to fully accept all consequences that may come our way.

The outcome of this, is that we will follow Jesus’ example as He suffered unjustly on His way to the cross, doing good for the whole world.

In the divisive times we live be prayerful, walk wisely and always remember, in the eyes of God, it is eternally lawful and just to do what is good and loving.


A prayer for you: Lord God, I pray against this evil that is dividing our nation. May the eyes of people be open to see the way before them that is true and just. And I pray for the church, that it would be bold, wise and loving, never fearing to do what is right and good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Clint Decker is President of Great Awakenings. Please share your comment with Clint at and follow his blog at

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