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OUT TO PASTOR: Back in the saddle again

Finally, those five weeks of being sick are over, and my life is getting back to normal. 

Whatever normal is.

Five weeks is a long time to be sick, spend time in bed, and not know if it’s morning or evening. 

There was a period when I was about ready to set up camp in the bathroom. That would’ve been a lot easier for me and less stressful.

I’m unsure what I lost during those five weeks, but you can be sure I won’t try to find out. What is behind me is behind me for good!

My first morning, I was in my office trying to figure out where I was and what project I was working on. Being at my desk behind my computer and working was a good feeling.

I really didn’t know how much I enjoyed it until it wasn’t there anymore.

I guess being sick can have a positive aspect.

While I was sick, I wasn’t able to do the work that I wanted to do.

That’s always a terrible place to be. But now that I’m over that, I’m sitting at my desk, looking around in my office, and looking at all the books I have on my shelves. 

Oh, it’s a wonderful feeling.

Have my books missed me as much as I missed them?

Another aspect of getting back in the saddle again are the meals that The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage prepares.

I’m not sure what she prepared while I was sick; I have very little recollection of what they were.

At my first breakfast, I took a deep breath and realized how delicious my breakfasts actually were. I’m looking forward to lunch with a great deal of anticipation.

After a little time, I was back into my routine. There is so much to do, and so much joy in doing it.

One afternoon I was sitting at my desk working on a project and a thought kept coming to mind.

This thought just would not go away.

I got up and got a cup of fresh coffee, hoping that would solve my little problem. I sat down at my desk and got back to work, and wouldn’t you know it, that thought was still bouncing back and forth in my mind.

I had enough to do to occupy my entire mind for the day, but for some reason, this little thought kept working its way into whatever I was doing at the time.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy thoughts that come to me whenever they come. I want something fresh and new to invade my mind. But this thought was a little bit of a rascal.

Finally, I had enough, so I sat back in my chair and focused on the thought: “Wouldn’t an Apple Fritter be a nice reward for getting back in my saddle?”

I will never know where that thought came from, but instead of rejecting it, like I should’ve, I embraced it. All I could think of for the rest of the afternoon was that Apple Fritter.

I couldn’t remember the last time I had an Apple Fritter, but I believe when I did have one, I got into trouble. According to The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage, Apple Fritters are not on my diet. According to her, I’m on a very strict diet.

I kept telling this thought, “You better not let The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage hear what you’re saying to me.”

I don’t think that thought was listening to me; he was only listening to himself.

The idea of munching on a fresh, warm Apple Fritter was marinating in my mind. Nothing in the world can match that kind of deliciousness.

In a couple of hours, that thought bought me hook, line, and sinker. All I could think about was a fresh, warm Apple Fritter with a nice hot cup of coffee. That picture just glowed in my mind as I thought about it.

My problem was, how do I get an Apple Fritter? I’m sure The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage would not be part of this kind of thing. She would rather I had a stalk of broccoli (yuck) than a nice Apple Fritter.

The more I thought about this Apple Fritter, the more I yearned for it. After all, I spent almost five weeks with some kind of sickness, I should have something to reward me for getting through it all.

My project is, how do I present this to The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage? How do I present it in such a way that she will bite into it and let me have an Apple Fritter?

I hope this thought has friends who can help me think through this project.

That afternoon, a Bible verse came to mind.

Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Some thoughts just aren’t worth the time or energy. I need to control my thinking and think thoughts worthy of God.


Dr. James L. Snyder lives in Ocala, FL with the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. Telephone is (352) 216-3025, e-mail is, and website is

Ellis County Press

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