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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: As the ‘Hunger Games’ threatens our reality, will we stand up and fight?

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation
Whatever the change is going to be in the future, either a new president, or a strong revolt – a subtle change brought on by a higher vibration is happening. 

There are two different issues going on in the world of America now – well three if you consider we have a presidential election in the fall. 

Have you noticed there are hardly any campaign signs, no debates, no questions. It seems like people have drawn a line in the sand as to who they plan to vote for in November, and now we see what happens.

There have been reports I have seen regarding the ballot inconsistencies from 2020 and making sure this does not repeat. 

Reported last week ( the Georgia Election Board voted to reprimand Fulton County and appoint an independent monitor for the 2024 election for “violating state law while conducting a recount of the 2020 presidential election.”

I have seen reports such as this from other states where the vote count did not make sense.  

The truth is people will see and believe what they want on both sides.

My tagline for this world in that regard, “You can’t change the truth, no matter how many times you repeat the lie.”

In the article it mentioned Fulton County agreed to the monitor to avoid an attorney general investigation to determine “the double counting of 3,075 ballots and other allegations of irregularities during the 2020 presidential recount.”

Rosemary Jenks from the Immigration Accountability Project said there are “upward of 30-million foreign born who have not naturalized and are ineligible to vote under US law.” 

She said the problem is Biden’s Executive Order allows federal agencies to provide voter registration information to all people even those who do have no proof of citizenship and can’t vote. 

I am wondering how many people screaming Pro-Hamas at the college campuses are truly voting Americans.

There are so many different agendas going on right now in America too. 

Different groups of people standing up with some major talking points as it relates to the US government and its failure to, as I say, “read the room.” 

With all the propaganda, the insidious laws being tossed around, the failure to close the border, the money being sent to wars we are funding, the high gas prices and groceries, and all the shenanigans being played out with law after law being passed without the constituents in mind – Americans are putting the government on notice.

The pro-Hamas protesters – most of whom it’s strongly rumored are being paid by George Soros, and recently someone added Russia and China, will have a disaster on their hands if their demands are met.

They have nowhere to go from here. Ultimately, the plans will fail even though Joe Joe did recently stop an arm’s shipment to Israel. 

Why not Ukraine too?

Poor Israel, right? No, that country has had a good gig with America for years now. In an earlier column I quoted President Richard (Nixon) talking about the relationship of the United States and Israel. 

He was talking about how the President has a duty to keep it all balanced, and he flexed his balance at that time with Egypt. 

Joe Joe did last week what Nixon said a president should do “keeping Israel in line.” 

The problem is I don’t think Joe Joe did it for the same reasons as Nixon – after all it is an election year.

I can’t understand why people are okay with America allowing Sharia Law in the US anyway. Is that what the college protesters are demanding? Why does an entire group of people think they can take over our country – and get rid of the current law of the land? 

Or is that the propaganda we are told so the powers that run our government (since we are seeing through the cracks) want the people to believe the division. 

If every American in this country just stood together for freedom and the Constitution, the government could not beat the people. Even if Americans disagree on the party they vote, there should never be a reason not to agree on the basic freedoms America enjoys.

We all know the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbyist group, but whether you are a Democrat or Republican, your representative has probably taken money from this lobbyist group.  And lobbyist groups give money to get a favorable vote. There is a long list of both parties doing this starting with Biden at the top with over $4M.

And even more confusing to voters in Biden’s camp is the fact that a vote for Biden still means a vote for war, which leaves people in a conundrum – “How can I vote for a person who keeps sending money to the side who is committing genocide.”

When Biden recently stopped the money train to Israel, it caused an uproar on both sides of the House and Senate.

I read Florida Congressman Corey Mills filed articles of impeachment against Joe Joe stating he is “forcing Israel into a quid pro quo situation” and it was likened to how Trump had impeachment charges filed on him by the Dems on his handling of Ukraine aid during his presidency.

Almost more troubling is Speaker of the House Mike Johnson contacting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding what to do next after Biden stopped the arms to Israel.

Johnson said he hoped Joe Joe was having a senior moment ( but his aids made it clear he was not.

Let’s remember how the Democrats and the Republicans both voted on that last haul of money leaving America headed for Israel and Ukraine. And I heard whispers Johnson got some cash from somewhere after that vote too. 

And, while this fancy dance at the expense of many lives is converging in one reality, in another the “Hunger Games” is literally being played out in real time. And the Districts are mad. Perhaps that is the real reason for the TikTok ban; the truth being shown minus mainstream media (the ban passed in the same bill as the money sent to Ukraine and Israel even though TikTok and war have nothing to do with one other).

Regarding the “Hunger Games” agenda, a grassroots movement on TikTok with an eye towards celebs started a Blockout 2024 movement last week due to the tone deaf celebrities who paid $75,000 to attend the Met Gala. 

One influencer wore a Marie Antoinette outfit and said to the millions, “Let them eat cake.” 

She’s ruined now, and according to the blocking and deleting of celebrities those faces who attended the Ball are being canceled/deleted too (how about blocking those from the Epstein flight list).

Personally, I think it’s the reckoning for the celebs who sold their souls and have been cloned. You can’t run from karma forever. 

After all, if you go down the cloning rabbit hole and do your research, it won’t surprise you that U.S. Patent No. 6,781,030 is all about human cloning. 

One person said, “it has been controversial since it was granted on August 24, 2004.” 

There is also the patent for DNA cloning U.S. Patent No, US7736851B2, but that’s another story.

Whatever the change is going to be in the future, either a new president, or a strong revolt – a subtle change brought on by a higher vibration is happening. 

People are saying we are ready to fight for our freedom. However, someone should have a plan in place to create new structures from the old ones that will crumble. 

A plan to respect our current laws in the US while at the same time looking toward a future that eradicates greed and power from feeding the system.

There is nothing wrong with money. 

There is something wrong when money is used as a tool to manipulate and control. America will remain strong, but it won’t be because of the politicians or celebrities, they are being canceled. 

It will be about the regular person who decides if the difference is going to be made – each person is going to have to do their part to take part in the change we want to see. 


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

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