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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: Coming to America – ‘human meat and plastic food’

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation

I am going to take you guys on a real zinger this week. I don’t even know what to say except how thankful I am I don’t eat meat anymore.

I do want to say this in no way implies I think anyone should stop eating meat – pork, cow, deer, chicken whatever you enjoy – but I think everyone is prepared to draw the line at cannibalism.

It’s called The Human Meat Project. If you don’t believe me, check out the website

I actually thought it had to be a joke. You know, a kind of sick satire. So, I contacted The Human Meat Project – I had to know.

No one got back to me from the organization and of course there are no names or any information about where the Human Meat Project is located. Geez, I wonder why they are not listing that information – a bit controversial perhaps.

Remember what I said last week, desensitizing until suddenly the masses think it is okay. I have noticed over the last few weeks more and more people have been talking about this Human Meat Project.

I wonder what the fact-checkers would say about this. Yes, those media fact-checkers who clearly are put in place to “fact-check,” for the most part, to assure those people who do not do more research just believe that the information is a hoax.

Until it’s not.

Didn’t Elon Musk’s new Twitter already prove the fact-checkers might have been a little bit biased in their checking.

And, in one of my columns last month I believe I outlined who owns the companies who are responsible for the fact-checking. Yep, those same companies that own all the media – the dots are connecting more easily these days.

So, let’s get into it – because I think this week the rabbit hole has found a rabbit hole.

At the Human Meat Project website, it explains “The practice of cannibalism is not uncommon in living beings. In both the animal kingdom and our human history, the consumption of one’s own species has existed.”

Well, that is true, but isn’t there enough to eat without eating your buddy next door?

It goes on to outline the human meat donation mission and vision “In order to save the planet from the impact of our modern civilization and lifestyle, we have to make a change in our ideas about consumption and our dietary choices. We face climate change due to waste, pollution, deforestation, and overpopulation problems.

“By donating your body for human consumption, you are taking direct action to help others and lessen the damage of the industrial age.

“By consuming human meat, we create a change in both our life and the world. By improving the standard quality of life in every country and nation, we can give everyone in the world a good life.”

You can read about human meat nutrition facts, and I am going to let you do your own surfing the web for that one, but I will say these project leaders seem very proud that, “one body could feed up to 40 people.”

Does this not just smack of World Economic Forum narrative?

They also go into how they select their donors – “healthy, and without any contagious diseases, health issues, or medications or substances, which might be absorbed by people who consume their meat.”

I wonder if that means those that have been jabbed are not good candidates? Just curious because there are, according to the media, a lot of health issues these days with those that have been vaccinated.

The website states, “donating bodies for human consumption, we are taking action to solve overpopulation, which leads to climate change and the greenhouse effect caused by the mass farming of livestock animals in order to feed the world.”

If you are already dead, how is that contributing to ending overpopulation – since you’re not part of the population anymore?

And finally, there are two YouTube campaigns outlining why this is a good idea. I’m going to just leave this right there.

Next up – some people have requested I check into a restaurant supposedly in Los Angeles called the Cannibal Club. The idea of this place notes the restaurant specializes in “the preparation of human meat” and bringing “the cutting edge of experimental cuisine to the refined palates of LA’s cultural elite.”

The “exclusive clientele” includes noted filmmakers, intellectuals, and celebrities who have embraced the Enlightenment ideals of free expression and rationalism.

Fact-checkers said this was a hoax. I am not convinced, but since there is no address and no information (rightly so because I think human meat might still be on the “no-no” list), it says to get invited you must first introduce yourself through the contact page and they send you information about membership adding, “It is necessary for us to operate privately and to vet our members in order to avoid disruption from the less enlightened.”

And here are a few more foodie tidbits if these aren’t enough to have you running for the hills.

While some people are “dead” convinced (no pun intended) that fast food has human meat in it, I could not confirm or deny – I am still chasing that rabbit hole.

I did find that some people said Pepsi was using the fetal parts of aborted babies as a tested flavor enhancement.

According to a report, around 2001, Senomyx patented several flavor enhancers by using “proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems, which have been previously expressed in human cell culture in HEK 293 cells. HEK 293 cells are a cell widely used in biological and medical research, immortalized through a genetic modification removed from the original human-embryonic kidney cells taken from a healthy aborted human fetus.”

A woman who worked at a clinic said, “We would basically manipulate them into believing that by donating this tissue they could be saving the lives of others, but in reality, we had no idea what that tissue was going to be used for and that was never disclosed to us at the clinic – it was just for a price.”

Apparently, a new ingredient such as this would be labeled under the category of “artificial flavors.”

I think this one requires reader to determine if they want to do their own research. Fortunately, I don’t drink pop anymore, but when I did, I was a Coca Cola girl.

Finally, did you hear about another new food group being created by the FDA and the Department of Agriculture with plastics entering the food pyramid?

The FDA states plastics are a safe alternative to nutrients, and they are excited to introduce plastics to the daily diets of Americans. In a press release from the FDA, it reported “Plastics can be used as an alternative to many of the nutrients found in food such as fiber and protein.  Plastics will also help reduce obesity by reducing the amount of food an individual can eat.”

What will they think of next?

Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

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