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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: Do not allow divide and conquer, Trump is fearless and so should any true American no matter the side of the aisle

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation
The “win at any cost” attitude, and that’s what we saw Friday. Win at any cost. But who’s trying to win?

As I awoke Saturday morning to catch my flight home from Paris, my friend told me Donald Trump had been shot at and injured with a bullet grazing his ear just inches from his brain while at a rally Friday night in Pennsylvania.

It was an assassination attempt.

I was sick to my stomach.

It was sick in a way I’ve never felt before.

And not because as many say, “I am a Trumpster.” 

No, it is because I am an American.

And then everyone was talking about it – from the “too bad they missed” comments to the absolute horror that this is what the United States has come to and like what I was thinking and many voicing loud and clear, “if any human being cheers on an assassination attempt aimed toward any person they are – the word I will personally use – pathetic” and they are part of the problem.

I also want to say LOUD and CLEAR that as we have been seeing over the past months, there is a stink that has taken over our country where each party has so much hate toward the other that we are never going to win at anything? 

I talk to educated people who have no idea what is going on with the power and greed that runs the government. 

The “win at any cost” attitude, and that’s what we saw Friday.

Win at any cost.

But who’s trying to win?

I honestly believe it’s a bigger picture than the red and blue hating each other. It seems obvious there are people out there who are very fearful of losing it all if Trump wins – why else would they have gone to this extreme?

An extreme that has led to such division. I’ve noticed though that most of the time people spewing most of the hate have no idea what’s going on because they only watch mainstream media and have the audacity to think they’re being told the truth.

Say these words and get off your butt to do some research – if you’re still marching to the sheeples drum “mainstream media narrative” – that can be dangerous these days because from my research, the mainstream media agenda is often not accurate.

The “Rules of War for Dummy’s” is “DIVIDE and CONQUER.” 

If people would take a moment to stop the fear-mongering, they might take a step back and begin to realize what is going on right now with our presidential election and the untruths.

Remember, just because a lie is told over and over does not make the lie a truth.

Wasn’t it last year the powers that be tried the narrative of the race card DIVIDE and CONQUER and most people in the United States who are paying attention on both sides of the aisle said NO.

Since this is still the early days of this attempted assassination, I know there will be much to come as the truth is unraveled.

I know Trump, even after the hit to his ear kept going, and one reporter from Fox News reported Trump told him to tell the audience, “Just tell them I love them.”

Some people are even saying this was an “inside job.”

I have no idea – what does that mean for our county if it was?

A CBS Special Report had one eyewitness saying he personally saw a man crawling up a roof with a rifle and there were people clearly pointing at him, and the police “were down on the ground running around and acting like they didn’t know what was going on.”

The same eyewitness went on to say they were telling the police there was a man on the roof with a rifle crawling and he said, “I was thinking why is Trump still speaking, why haven’t they pulled him off the stage” and he said “the next thing you know shots ring out.” 

He said he was “certain 100%” the shots were from the man on the roof.

I’m going to make one point because I am not sure if mainstream media is telling it. 

Apparently, the shooter Thomas Mathew Crooks was affiliated with BlackRock (and you know my feelings about that asset management company along with Vanguard and State Street).

For me, my intuition reminds me BlackRock lobbies both sides of the aisle and has money, power and influence on both sides too.

The divide and conquer is beginning to make even more sense now.

Crooks was even in a BlackRock commercial filmed in 2023 in Pennsylvania. 

And let me remind you, there are no coincidences such as this.

As I think about this money, power, influence set-up it I realize these lobbyists, lifelong politicians and big companies have much to lose if Trump wins the election in November.

Someone I heard said, “This is an obvious script being played out.” 

Another distraction that now is costing people’s lives. 

I have heard Crooks was a Republican. Then I heard he had given money to left wing organizations. 

One reporter stated the US Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle must resign. 

It was said there were warnings this was going to happen, and she ignored those warnings and turned down a larger secret service detail around Trump. I also read the Secret Service (i.e., Cheatle) did not secure a building 450-feet away within the line of sight to Trump’s rally and we all know, the Secret Service does not make amateur mistakes like that.

I have heard people who hate Trump say he wants to become a dictator with no term limits. 

I have truly never heard that said anywhere by anyone other than my Democrat friends. 

I can only imagine they’re parroting this from a mainstream media source, but they do not tell me where they heard it, just that they heard it.

What is happening, why have we let it get this far? Why is there so much hate and division?

From my spiritual dark and light side listen to these words: The dark entities (call it demons, elites, soulless clones) are attempting to divide and conquer because it will make the United States weak with fear and division.

We must never allow that. 

Remember, it’s not those –who say they want to bring light into the world and “om” while meditating, singing love and light, and spending the day in yoga poses – who are bringing the light, bless them for their good energy. 

However, it is those who have the light and are willing to go into the deepest darkness to expose the truth and shine light on lies.

I personally accepted that call when I began writing this column and losing friends and jobs. 

Many have gone before me to do the same, even at the cost of their own life, to safeguard that the United States will not be divided and conquered.

And it will not be conquered because that is not this great nation’s destiny.


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

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