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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: Faulty information, name calling and a lack of critical thinking is NO excuse for ignorance

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation

Let’s go down a rabbit hole today.

I know depending on the side of the aisle you sit on, the issues being discussed regarding infidelity of candidates, too many baby mamas, not being honest about ethnicity and even some in DC who have been rumored to hit the bottle daily while making drunk speeches during this highly tense election season.

Well, each one of these issues will have a different ring in your soul – depending on the hole you go down.

Suspiciously, these faux paus issues (on either side) have been juicily reported by US “mainstream media” in ad nauseum. 

As the thinking people are waking up however, it’s becoming more obvious every day the rumors and intrigue on both sides of any media game cannot “actually” be trusted. 

And yes, even the vast amount of information dumps on social media are becoming suspect, basically you had better be careful where you glean your news.

It’s all becoming a contradiction of truth and lies.

And just because Jimmy newscaster or Karen the information hound passes on information to you or anyone on any platform does not mean it is true.

It is a 50/50 toss up these days.

In fact, I urge readers to do their research on every word I write since with that caveat you can only blame yourself if the tanks come rolling down your street.

I don’t want to point fingers, but this interest in truth and lie intrigue seems to have become more exaggerated when the government dipped its little fingers into allowing the people to see their demand to control all aspects of the public getting real news.

And the bigger problem – critical and logical thinking seem to have been tossed out the window at about the same time the education system in American began to crumble. You know, when it became more about the game of testing children in order to receive more funding for the ISD than about a child’s education.

You can do your own research on that, start with Rockefeller who decided he was “so wonderful in all he did” that he would standardize education. 

His motto “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers,” (read as it is quite eye opening.

I don’t really care the side of the aisle you are on; you should be concerned about the fact that the news you are getting from most sources consist of a bit of propaganda (and I am being kind). 

Watch for yourself the patterns, read the room, get out and see the “truth” that is happening because what YOU see should be the beginning of your news source.

The division among people in the United States is at a place that I never thought I would see it. 

Hate and aggression plague so many and due to the lack of critical thinking most don’t even understand why. It began with COVID – most people will not deny that fact. 

It was the division that occurred between the jabbed and the unjabbed. 

Now it is the blue or red, Israel or Palestine, black versus white, illegals pouring in versus those okay with millions of new resident voters when the US cannot even take care of its own population.

It is constant meaningless noise in your head, from the towers erected around us, the cell phones and smart apps, the traffic, the television that is often on because people are too afraid to listen to the silence of their soul, and the noise goes on never letting anyone have a moment for critical thinking or drawing conclusions based on “real” truths.

Remember, power stays in the shadows.

You will never see the real power of who is in charge in this country or world. 

The puppeteers have many strings, many arms, and when you stay in the shadows long enough and know how to control the people through greed, your every dance step is an act of blending chaos among the masses. 

Viola, you have then created the power you live by and a division among your underlings who do not have time to look past their next meal. 

And they dare you to do something about it!

And you ask over and over with little enthusiasm, “what can I do?”

I don’t think Donald Trump is a “bad” man – do your research and look at the bigger picture.

His policies, well, make sure when you parrot those policies as if you know, make sure you are not repeating another neophyte’s poor translation of hate.

I don’t think Kamala Harris is a “bad” woman.

She is following her marching orders like any good politician.

I do not care for several of her latest policies, which she has not been able to explain.

Her “strength through joy” might not have been her best move unless her voters have no notion of that statement from November 1933. 

According to Wikipedia, this slogan was a tool to “promote the advantages of Nazism to the German people and internationally.”

You can’t make this up.

And what about Nancy Pelosi basically coming out and revealing she is reptilian ( and that’s a rabbit hole both the blue and red might be well-advised to dig around in for proper meaning.

At the DNC, apparently Billy Boy Clinton said Harris will be the “president of joy.” 

How about, since she is Vice President, she be the VP of joy now instead of doing nothing related to joy at the moment because I don’t think Americans want to wait – the critical issues are happening now.

There are some things being said, on both sides of the aisle, that even my side-eye glance is unable to compute.

These are big grown men and women saying things as we sit with our breath held to see just how long their Pinocchio noses will grow before falling off.

I mean come on, even the bluer than blue Boston Herald can’t stomach the mess anymore (

Another side eye for me, lifelong Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who just stepped out of the presidential race as a third-party candidate encouraged voters to vote Republican. 

One person said it eloquently, “When a lifelong Democrat, from an iconic Democrat family, whose running mate was a Democrat warns you about the dangers of voting Democrat you should probably listen.”

I have heard a few Democrats and Republicans say the blue people in Chicago spent so much time with Trump in their heads trying to trash him.

They did little good at explaining their own messy policies; the preposterous suggestion of a new tax credit of 4% on income above $100,000. 

Harris also wants to tax stock traders on each transaction at 0.2% for stocks and .1% for bonds and .002% for derivatives. 

She also wants to raise the corporate tax rate to 35%, it is currently at a flat rate of 21%. 

There will also be a raised tax on business owners, and you might also want to investigate the idea of her capital gains tax because if you are middle class the 44% proposed increase is probably going to destroy you.

And yes, you can say Trump has policies that are just as crazy, you know like a mass deportation operation for illegals (if they can be found), a new Muslim ban, tariffs on all imported goods and the list goes on. 

When it comes to shutting the borders and deportation, I cannot say I have a problem with American’s tax dollars going to Americans and veterans and those who are in the country legally.

I hope no American would disagree with that statement, but read more from one of my “favorite” mainstream medias of choice (wink wink) if want to know more Trump policy. Remember, an enemy does not have to defeat you, it only must distract you. 

Quiet your mind – and remember lies do not become truths just because a group decides they have the power to change history. 


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

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