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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: Just so you know, illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote in US federal elections

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation

Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany, insisted if you keep repeating a lie people will begin to believe it.

It is called THE BIG LIE.

At this point in the USA, we know for sure one side of the aisle is playing the BIG LIE game.

If you are a Democrat, that lie is the 2020 Joe Joe election was rigged.

If you are a Republican, that lie is the 2024 election will be overrun with illegals voting for Joe Joe because he cannot get enough legitimate votes on his own.

Now for some facts – you know, those things that get in the way of lies. 

It’s a fact Georgia’s state election board in Fulton County stated respondents violated Georgia Election Laws in 147 violations in 2020 and noted, “There is enough evidence that… we should be embarrassed for the Fulton County registration and elections.”

A Fulton County official said the facts tell the story and, “reveals the reality of how difficult it is to have one’s grievances addressed in a timely manner if at all” regarding the ballot counting and tampered with ballot boxes.

The official made a motion to request the Secretary of State either invalidate 17,852 votes from the official certification or initiate an independent investigation if these votes are authentic.

Another fact, a recent article in the Daily Signal ( explained the D.C. Board of Elections conducted an event in April 10 called “Non-Citizen Voting Education Virtual Training.” 

A group called Judicial Watch obtained 13 pages of the training session’s PowerPoint presentation by a request through the Freedom of Information Act. 

The District of Columbia along with California, Maryland, and Vermont allow foreign citizens to vote in local elections.

Federal law allows only U.S. Citizens to vote in federal elections as written in the U.S. Constitution.

That is not going to change – non-citizens are not allowed to LEGALLY VOTE in Federal elections.


A Guardian article ( headlined, “Trump allies push bill to bar non-citizen voting, even though it’s already illegal.”

On May 8, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson said, “Even if you weren’t concerned about the drop boxes and the ballot harvesting and the mail-in ballots in 2020…, you definitely should be concerned that illegal aliens might be voting in 2024.” stated: “Republicans in Congress are pushing a bill called the SAVE (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility) Act that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote.”

So why is mainstream media making a big deal that those in DC want to make sure it does not happen again?

Why does it matter if we put procedures in place to assure illegals are not voting IF they are not voting anyway? 

There is no harm making sure America is safe from illegal voting.

I would say no matter what party you tout as “the one,” the above is a logical idea for America. 

Another fact – Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey was recently interviewed and said he believes Trumps court cases i.e., Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Letitia James are coordinated political attacks and “not supported by the facts.”



 Anyone on either side of the aisle pushing agendas that are unconstitutional better look up how “treason” is defined and what happens when you do it? 

Bailey filed a lawsuit against the federal government to subpoena all communication between the DOJ, the White House and Bragg, James, and Willis.

If there is nothing to see here then the DOJ and the White House should have no problem producing the documents, right?

The judge in the Trump case (Justice Juan Merchan) recently slapped a gag order on Trump so he can’t talk about the judge’s family. 

Fair enough, but it was determined Merchan’s daughter was paid $4-million by D-Cal representative Adam Schiff, and Merchan’s wife worked with James (read it for yourself:

New York Congress woman Elise Stefanik filed a judicial complaint with the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct against Merchan citing violation of the Rules of Judicial conduct.

What amuses me as a media bystander is how mainstream media’s marching orders by the powers that be seem to be pushing a narrative on both sides to cause division with the American people. 

We all do know you cannot listen to mainstream media anymore, right? 

In part, due to Obama (I do not believe Obama is pulling Joe Joe’s string for all those who ask me – I believe he is simply a piece of the puzzle of which the strings are being pulled at a higher level), who is likely just another puppet. 

He did okay propaganda when he passed HR 4310/section 1078 allowing the use of propaganda inside the US, which had been banned in 1948 with the Smith-Mundt Act.

Now, why would Obama do that? 

We all know the November election is going to change the course of America no matter the outcome.

And we all know, the constitution will be intact and still followed when the dust settles.

Remember guys, we are a Republic, not a Democracy, so we determine what the politicians can do – they do not. 


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

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