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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: Losing freedom slowly, one chain-link at a time

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation

Did you know in every country in which there was a communist takeover there was less than one percent of the total population in that country who believed in the communist idea?

The way it was done – was to create the appearance of popular support.

I just read that and it resonated.

In a video from 1964, it stated Vladimir Lenin said, “Communism must be built with non-communist hands.”

This is done as the video stated, “by cleverly beguiling many people into unwittingly supporting the revolutionary program and the dedicated one percent can trick the 99% into surrendering their birthright. 

“This they do by hiding the true communist objectives behind appealing slogans and pretended humanitarian goals.”



And, if anyone is still wondering about the subtle art of manipulation – here is another example.

These mass media sources vomiting information like Kamala Harris is ahead or Donald Trump is ahead… just how do they know?



Voters are fickle, and many have no idea who they’ll vote for in the upcoming presidential election. 

And so, I’m convinced a good bit of the information sources are gleaning and serving to the masses regarding election probabilities are about as reliable as my own fancy-spansy election questionnaire would be if I were asking 10 people in a room full of conservatives who they were voting for and then reporting Trump is 100% ahead.

And besides, doesn’t mass media love to keep the television/news junkies coming back for more narrative by flip flopping who is winning on a regular basis?

In short, it translates “keeping the viewer confused and on the edge of their seat by keeping everything upside down.”

The purpose behind information that keeps the narrative alive is clearly for the unenlightened voter who isn’t onto the game. 

Said voter will believe “my candidate can’t win so why should I vote,” or “my candidate is ahead and look at me.” 

The only time we will genuinely know who is ahead in a political race and who won said race is after the election. 

And that is IF the election is counted with 100% honestly.

And that, my friend, is what you need to be worried about – not the “polls say” propaganda.

At this point from my view over here is all this blowing of inaccurate information and people continuing to believe it even after all they’ve already seen is like taking an abusive relationship back into your life and believing that magically something with that abusive person is going to change. 

Wake up and ask yourself, “is my soul really believing this BS?”

I do have one innocent question. 

If she can make all these promises to implement on day one of becoming POTUS, why can’t she do it now since she’s been capable of doing it since Jan. 20, 2021? 

That would include a bit of the border stuff (leaving the word “czar out even though the Department of Homeland Security called her that – and Congress (

Let’s face it, either side can skew numbers like a dishonest accountant all day long, but somehow some people have gotten across the border during czar’s run for the money and now did you hear about the Venezuelan gangs who took over the apartment complex in Aurora, Colo. ( or

Let’s see, originally the governor denied it was happening. 

The residents acknowledged it was very much happening and finally the mayor of Aurora acknowledged it was happening and suddenly Colorado governor Jared Polis said in a statement, “the state has been ready for weeks to back up any operation by the Aurora Police Department.” 

Does anyone care to guess where these folks came from?

And of course there are some people who have said, like the governor did until he couldn’t say it anymore, “this is not a takeover.”

Okay, but it seems the folks who are responsible for the said “non-takeover” (that would be considered a “takeover” if anyone else were doing it) might be the ones let out of prison down Venezuela way that ended up here in the US. 

It’s also interesting the mayor of Aurora said the buildings are owned by out-of-state owners and these buildings “have fallen to the Venezuelan gangs” and he wanted to know why there is a concentration of these gangs in these three buildings and he added, “someone put them there and somebody funded it whether it is the federal government or not.”

These gangs have even been collecting the rents, and the mayor in Aurora admitted there are now ongoing operations with law enforcement regarding this situation. 

We might not have proof of these folks walking out of prison in their home country (why would any country admit that) but in June, NBC did a report ( stating, “More than 330,000 Venezuelans crossed the U.S. border last year, according to Customs and Border Protection data, and Venezuela, like Cuba, China and a handful of other countries, doesn’t provide any criminal history information to U.S. officials.”

Look at the patterns of unalived young girls, officers being shot and more and see if you can use your logic to put the pieces together here person, place, thing, and come on guys, we learned this in first grade.

There were even reports of “migrants” trying to hijack school buses in California, with children on them ( or

I read, “If you reduce a dog’s chain one link at a time every few days until the chain is so short he won’t be able to move, he will never realize because he is conditioned to the loss of his freedom slowly, over time.”

From a local standpoint, the city of Midlothian voted on Flock cameras for its police department. 

It seems harmless enough; the police use these cameras to scan license plates and catch the bad guys.

It came down to a few city council members in that city and a resident who spoke out asking basically when does the “bad guy” become more of a tool for big brother i.e., the taking away more of the chain links. 

Midlothian councilmember Allen Moorman voiced his concerns stating it will likely catch the bad guys, but he said in 2020 the stay at home order was a shock many did not believe could happen, but it did due to COVID. 

He said his primary concern is not if the city’s PD will do their job, but in the event, as in 2020, if there is any type of emergency top down from the state to restrict movement like they did during COVID.

And they say “you have a camera system that will tell us where people are going and if they are out, I don’t want to be part of setting up that kind of overreach.”

Did you say that cannot happen? 

Or what about that tired statement, “don’t do anything wrong and the law won’t come for you.”

I am going to leave that right there along with big brother looming behind your back. 

When will the powers that keep trying to force worldwide mental and physical imprisonment have enough.

Never, it comes down to when will you realize you value your freedom more than you choose to cower to fear. 


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

Ellis County Press

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Ferris, TX 75125