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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: As many as 10,000 body bags ordered in NC, Trump wins appeal and Harris says, “Gone are the days of the American dream”

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation

Remember Lyndon B. Johnson?

He said, “He who controls the weather will control the world.” (

My column last week about the North Carolina/Tennessee hurricane coverage received many comments everywhere it was published.

I’ve been asked by many to keep spreading the word since mainstream media isn’t doing it. 

For the record, I had to look up what MAGA meant because I was called it so much over the last week and I didn’t know.

That’s how much of a Trump follower I am, or was – or whatever. 

I’ve decided I know who I will be voting for, because truth be told I’ve always been an Independent. 

I did hear the National Border Patrol Counsel has endorsed Trump. That was quite surprising why they would do that since the Harris campaign keeps saying they are doing such a good border job. 

So well, a director of immigration and customs enforcement confirmed more than 13,000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder have been caught at the border.

Coming to a city near you!

I do have one question, which gives me pause regarding the blue and red supporters. 

I’ve always been told Democrats do not approve of war – and the Republicans are warmongers. 

If so, why is Harris (and this is not about Trump so don’t make it) supporting Israel and sending the money I indicated in my column last week in the billions to foreign countries to keep the wars going? 

Very un-blue of her.

Well, except AIPAC has given both parties millions of dollars to assure the military industrial complex keeps pumping.

Another thing I researched “mainstream media” reporting all the blue people turning red. I looked diligently and couldn’t find anywhere where the red people were turning blue. 

Those jumping the aisle like Evan Barker – the former Democratic Campaign Fundraiser said, “I went to the DMC last month hoping to feel inspired and instead felt I was in the room with the most out of touch people in the world.” (

And there are more blues bleeding red – read the articles for an understanding of why: 

So many people these days fire off with emotions that are hurtful and not logical from a bigger picture perspective – I honestly believe people in the United States are on two different timelines. 

The division reminds me of the rules in Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” or Machiavelli’s “27 Rules of War” on how to destroy without lifting a weapon. Destroy the mind and the integrity from the ground up beginning with propaganda, education, fear, and the creation of humans being reliant on the government. 

As a reminder, I did work for a Democrat Texas State Rep. for four years so I’m not opposed to blue. He just respected his position to work for his constituents and not the lobbyists – and isn’t that what all politicians are supposed to be doing? 

Maybe it’s hard to believe travel/auto/lifestyle writer Rita Cook knows anything about politics, but for the most part even if you know me and are reading this we weren’t talking about politics during dinner back in the day – did you ever think we weren’t talking about it because we don’t agree and I respected that? 

Let’s talk about North Carolina, since mainstream media is still is not doing a very good job. 

An eyewitness in Ashville said, “Buzzards are everywhere. I spent the morning helping a woman who runs multiple funeral homes.

“She said the refrigerator trucks and hospitals are full of almost 1,000 unidentified bodies. 

“They can’t cremate bodies because they have no power, they can’t embalm because they have no water. This is much worse than anyone realizes and the government support is non-existent.” 

A gentleman from the Florida National Guard spoke on the Shawn Ryan Show (easy to confirm the interview) furious this past week when he said rescue and recovery was shut down for hours “just to take a photo op with Kamala and they never sent the bird. 

“They loaded an entire C17 full of supplies for the Hurricane Helene victims.” 

It was a North Carolina National Guard Unit personnel that told him. 

The guy said the day Biden flew into Asheville they put up flight restrictions and it halted critical rescue missions on the first day there were no clouds.

And now according to an eyewitness from search and rescue in North Carolina, the 1,000 body count will exceed that. She said they have ordered 10,000 body bags – hoping they’ll not use them all. 

So, if you are only watching the mainstream media narrative, I love you – please stop reading, you can catch up later.

And before anyone asks if I’m in North Carolina, I won’t reveal where I am because I’ve learned one thing this week – people who are living in fear can be dangerous. 

Not anyone on my social media page who I know, I welcome your dialogue. However, this entire hurricane, lack of FEMA response and other things I’m hearing from eyewitnesses who are NOT lying is scary.

Another piece of information the National Guard reported – there is an armed militia in North Carolina formed and government workers (i.e. FEMA mostly) are being moved to other locations ( 

I’m not going to give you an opinion on that other than eyewitnesses, who are still reporting the stench of death and bodies being found in various forms of deterioration – all saying they will not be giving up their land to imminent domain to lithium mining companies. 

Go ahead and look up a company called Albemarle and then do a deep dive into their business and shareholders, and a deal recently made in NC against the residents there. 

On a side note, remember the Hawaii fires? People were saying the government wanted the land and locals would not give it so they swore it would be forced by imminent domain. 

This month imminent domain was on the city council agenda there, so that truth is coming out. 

The agenda item was deferred to the next council meeting for a vote. 

And since it’s not in mainstream media yet, Trump won his appeal on his 34 count fraud case getting back million he spent. 

In closing arguments, the Democrat lawyers were begging not to get sanctioned.

The judge from the Supreme Court of the State of New York/Appellate Division, First Department said, “I have come to believe that since a case like this has never been brought in the history of the country, not only New York, you have only brought this case because the person was running for president, which would put you afoul of not only multiple regulations regarding the law, but also run you afoul of electioneering issues.”

The response by the AG team: “We never thought we would be in this position, we thought we had something to offer to this room today… obviously we didn’t.”

Apparently, the lawyers for the New York AG’s office were not able to identify under any case where the attorney general had sued under executive law 6312 to upset a private business transaction between “equally sophisticated partners?” 

I’m going to make a hypothesis. I could be wrong – the felony cases will end up like this too even though he will likely always be called a felon by those who hate him.

I was looking for some positive blue news to balance this opinion column, so I turned up Harris stating, “Gone is the day of everyone thinking they could actually live the American dream.”

Then I uncovered accusations about running mate Timmy and how he is now being called “Touchdown.” 

Tim. I read why, but I will let each one of you figure that out because it could be false – we will see as I go down the rabbit hole tomorrow. 

So much for my being an Independent. At this point I’m just trying to hang on to being an American, one who still believes in our country being a republic. We will all see come Nov. 5.   


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

Ellis County Press

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