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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: The state of what you are eating in the US, and when are we sending the useless politicians home

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation

What would happen in a world where the powers who think they are in charge decide to make eating food from the supermarket a danger to one’s health and slowly killing the people over time with diseases that never end because there is money in keeping people sick. 

And, where they decide people are not worthy of clean water, and farmers not worthy of keeping their farms or ranchers their land because it takes away from the faux “high” these oligarchs are feeling?

Then – what if these same oligarchs decide they want to buy the farms and destroy the land so they can force the population to eat bugs and be forever stuck having to rely on the “powers that be” to take care of the population who have now become little more than indentured servants.

That would be an interesting book, wouldn’t it?

I’m thinking of this as I’m traveling in Europe this week. I’ve noticed I can actually taste the fruits and vegetables I’m eating again. 

You know, like the taste of food when I was a kid, before the government (or whoever it was) got involved in the idea to dictate the food.

Consider the fruit/vegetables in the US covered with Apeel, looking plastic with the nutritional value of a beach ball. 

For those wondering what Apeel is, grocery stores use it on fruits and vegetables to keep the produce fresh longer at the cost of it being worth eating (

It truly is all about money at the cost of health and well-being these days.

And if you trace the food issues back – like Apeel – guess who’s the culprit of this mess? Yep, the same dude who had his hands in attempting to force people to get vaccinated for COVID-19 even though he had no qualification to tell anyone anything.

The Apeel company was founded by James Rogers in 2012 – through a grant from Bill and Melinda Gates.

According to, Bill and Melinda Gates also own more farmland than anyone else in the United States. 

Yes, the same dude trying to get RID of farms and cattle because he thinks people should be eating bugs.

I find it very suspicious since the Microsoft co-founder – and self-proclaimed philanthropist with no college degree – isn’t even a farmer.

Even more shocking is that Gatesy-boy was accused of offering up all kinds of vaccines (no medical degree mind you) to African/Indian children that were said to be more harm than good.

The mainstream media factcheckers are saying the vaccine information about Gates is false. 

Then you look up who owns most of mainstream media and see it’s BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street – and the red flags start throwing down until you’ve gotten yourself down one doozy of a rabbit hole.

Why is mainstream media spending so much time debunking news and not just reporting “real” news?

I mean it’s Obama whose name is synonymous with repealing the Smith-Mundt Act regarding propaganda and the US media.

I “googled” Smith Mundt to see what was fact-checked about that and it said (of course) this “Obama claim” is false. This accusation was reported false, however in a very gas lighty sort of way.

It’s so sad all the gaslighting and propaganda. 

Lately it’s made me laugh since not only mainstream media, but of course “google” is also owned by the same players mentioned above – Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street.

The fact checker “police” also stated Obama did not repeal the Smith-Mundt Act “when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act in 2013.”

Then I thought that National Defense Authorization Act sure does seem to be doing its dirty work since that’s the same “Act” I mentioned last week that reinstated the draft for 18 to 26 year olds last month.

I wonder if the fact checkers are going to try to tell Americans the groceries at the grocery story including baby food, pet food and even eating out has not really increased by over 20% since Joe Joe took office?

Fact check – they would be lying. 

Just ask anyone who’s buying food these days, because the proof is in the receipt of purchase.

Adding insult to injury – you might not even be buying edible food since recently there were 28 juices and sodas recalled by the FDA for harmful chemicals.

The New York Post reported: 

“The recalled drinks include a pain-relieving tea called Himalayan pain relief tea, which didn’t disclose an anti-inflammatory medication ingredient on its label. 

“Martinelli’s Apple Juice was also recalled because it contained arsenic, a toxic metal that may increase the risk of bladder and skin cancer.

“Around 1.9 million bottles of Fiji Water, made by Natural Waters of Viti Limited, were recalled after three types of bacteria were found in the water in addition to the mineral manganese, which in high amounts can cause brain damage.”

They also reported a few days ago hundreds of coffee products have been recalled over concerns of botulism contamination.

Speaking of water, Idaho farmers are in a bad way right now because the state has put a curtailment order on the use of farmer’s using water even though the reservoirs in the state are full. 

This means half-a-million acres of farmland is in jeopardy ( and there goes another food source.

I recently saw a map that showed over the last two years the number of food production plants destroyed.

In many cases – burned to the ground – has been extremely high.

Then a “factchecker” report (yep, those fact checkers again) found there is no indication this is not normal. 

My red flags say there is no indication it is, and these fact checkers are starting to feel like they need to be fact checked.

All I know is I have met NO ONE who believes the representatives we put in office have been instructed by any constituents to speak out on behalf of the encouragement of food and water contamination, taking part in wars, or supporting the World Economic Forum, the UN, NATO, the WHO or any other world-dominated George Soros-type organization. 

So, since these politicians cannot seem to follow the orders of their bosses (the US citizens) they need to be replaced, and that’s a no brainer even if you haven’t been paying attention.


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

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