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DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: Why aren’t the protesters enraged about the genocide going on around the world and the child trafficking in our own country?

The real threat to our democracy lies in misinformation

Why have the Hamas protesters ceased to be effective?

Primarily because violence does not end violence.

I’m not even certain they know what they are protesting.

They should not be disrespecting America and flying foreign flags in this country. 

And then – there are the paid protesters.

Since you probably will not hear these politicians on mainstream media, I’m going to share their message here. 

Joni Ernst, US Senator (R-Iowa) said, “This has got to end folks. These protests on the college campuses have gone from one stance of being peaceful at one point to now inciting violence and destruction. 

“We all support everyone’s first amendment right to free speech, but this is not free speech. Again, it is incitement of violence.

“What we are seeing on these elite school campuses like Columbia, UCLA, is a lot of propaganda that is being pushed by Hamas. We are seeing Nazi slogans, we are seeing death to America, death to Israel.

“I would ask these protesters, you support Hamas, a terrorist organization that is funded by Iran. Iran, where a regime will stone women to death. A terrorist organization supported by Iran that is okay with using rape as a weapon of war against women. A terrorist organization that will haul away elderly people. A terrorist organization that will kill babies.

“This is what you support? This is un-American. It shouldn’t be happening on our soil. Now these college and university presidents have made a choice, and that choice is not to stand with their Jewish students and their Jewish faculty. Their choice has been to support a terrorist organization that goes against every American value that we have.

“It is a choice where they are supporting terrorism on their own campuses. These university presidents should lose their jobs. These universities should lose their federal funding. These universities should lose their donor support.” 

There was one person who was attempting to incite division by accusing police of trapping students at Vanderbilt University inside a building with no food, water, medical attention, or even a bathroom. 

Hello, this is not a D-rated bad movie sweetie – and the narrative was untrue. 

In fact, it was explained students broke into an area they were not supposed to be, were asked multiple times to leave, pushed their way in anyway and assaulted multiple faculty members along the way. 

They were told they were going to be suspended or arrested when they left the building and police chose not to go inside and create a violent situation. 

They waited outside for the students. The students didn’t want to leave because they did not want to get suspended or arrested. 

They were protesting against Jewish people. They demanded the university stop doing business with Jewish companies. They were mad because the university would not give money to their Hamas protest. 

Are any of these students (or paid protesters who do not really care) aware that at many college campuses the free rides they get are because of Jewish donors?

Forbes reported ( recently billionaire Ken Griffin said he will “no longer support Harvard after years of being a megadonor to the university” this due to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Other donors include billionaire Len Blavatnik, Leon Cooperman (who stopped donating to Columbia), and Marc Rowan who called on donors to withhold donations from University of Pennsylvania.

In an article from it stated regarding US university donations, “More than 50% of this [donation money] has come from authoritarian and antidemocratic Middle East governments.” 

It added “The amount of historical information scrubbed from the portal… is more than 52,000 donor names and 4,100 dates of receipt, with no new dates added for receipts under contracts since the report dated in September 2020.”

My friend in Boston who teaches at a university said they were checking students at one of the local universities and they found many of the protesters were not even students and had no college ID. 

So, what that tells me is the “rumors” are not rumors after all – maybe George Soros or another globalist is funding the unrest.

The students are young and think standing behind Hamas is cool.

The paid protesters just want money, and sell themselves to the highest bidder.

Florida US Rep. Byron Donalds visited George Washington University and reminded the protesters, “Hamas embeds itself inside churches, in hospitals, in apartment buildings. 

“That is a violation of the laws of war… You do not want to create human shields out of a civilian population, Hamas does that and they do it on purpose.”

He also said Hamas has been offered a ceasefire and has rejected it at least five times.

According to, Hamas did agree to a ceasefire proposal this week, but Israel said “far from” its requirements and it will push ahead with a Rafah operation and send a delegation to talk.

What if this unrest is about the upcoming elections (has anyone seen any signs for the Presidential election in the fall)? 

What if the powers that be on both sides – what if they want to cause so much trouble with the police and the students and the people who are defending the American flag that chaos ensues so they can call Martial Law (involving the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster) and the elections are canceled or postponed?

Remember during COVID the elections were postponed – and some say that was a mere dress rehearsal.

My suggestion to those who want to support Hamas, do it on their soil. Put your time and energy where your mouth is, and I will respect your decision 100%. 

While the mainstream narrative is the police are squashing freedom of speech, others say they are stopping violence. 

Watching some of the videos, I’ve never heard one group ask law enforcement officers such ridiculous questions (and I do regular rides with LEOs into gang and drug areas). 

Again, I feel like the think they’re part of “The Hunger Games.”

One group I saw even told the police officers they were with Hamas – a group of young females. They have no idea what Hamas would do to them.

I get it – we all go through the phase of being temperamental and flexing our voice, but it’s a bad look – and future employers are not going to be impressed.

I don’t care for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – I believe he’s part of what many of our politicians are part of, but do the real protesters realize they have done more to hurt the cause in Gaza at this point feeding into America’s Military Complex initiatives. 

And these passionate protesters need to remember this murder and hate is going on everywhere in the world, why pick just one group of people?

As reported –,mass%20killing%20in%20each%20country, “At the end of 2023, Afghanistan had the highest risk of genocide at 6.5 percent (not Gaza), Pakistan followed in second with a risk of 6.1 percent, followed by Yemen at nearly six percent.”

And according to, Sudan is another country with the highest risk for genocide in Africa. Worldwide, Sudan ranks fourth in terms of risk percentage and Ethiopia is the second country in sub-Saharan Africa for genocide risks. 

How about protesting the child sex slave industry in this country –it’s been going on longer than the Israel/Gaza conflict?

According to:,disease%2C%20torture%2C%20and%20neglect, “Every two minutes a child is sold into trafficking, 4.8 million people are victims of sex trafficking today, 300,000 American children are victims of commercial sexual exploitation each year. The average victim is held captive for 23.4 months before escaping, dying, or being set free. In the U.S., 1 in 6 reported endangered runaways are believed to be victims of child sex trafficking. Pimps in America earn up to $200,000 per year per girl. An estimated 30,000 victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse, disease, torture, and neglect.”

I can’t hear you, protesters. 

If you’re going to destroy America starting with the college campuses, let’s remember it’s not the flavor of the month you need to be protesting. 

Instead, you need to actually educate yourself and decide if backing a terrorist organization is really where your energy is best served.


Rita Cook is a freelance writer for The Ellis County Press. She can be reached at

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