Average billing causes uproar
Fri, 11/16/2018 - 3:11pm
FERRIS – A water billing clerk at the City of Ferris was forced to resign recently when someone had to take the blame for inaccurate water billing.
FERRIS – A water billing clerk at the City of Ferris was forced to resign recently when someone had to take the blame for inaccurate water billing.
LANCASTER – James Taylor Grimes is a veteran.
He is also one of my best friends.
FERRIS – A 16 and 15-year old were taken by CareFlite to Dallas area hospitals following an early Saturday morning car crash.
ELLIS COUNTY – Ellis County citizens participated in the National DEA Prescription Drug Take Back Event on Saturday, Oct. 27.
FERRIS – One of the mayor’s duties, since around 2008, has been to hear and settle any employee’s disciplinary action brought forward by
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Ferris, TX 75125